Vermont State UniversityLoading...We are excited to share more about Vermont State University with you! Vermont State University is built upon the history of Castleton University, Northern Vermont University, and Vermont Technical College. Accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education. Share a little about yourselfFirst (Given) Name *Name of Use (if different from First (Given) Name above)This is the name we will use in both email and mailed correspondence with you.Last (Family) Name *Email Address *Birthdate *Used to ensure we don't have a duplicate record in our system.Birthdate *Used to ensure we don't have a duplicate record in our system.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930312015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621961196019591958195719561955195419531952195119501949194819471946194519441943194219411940Phone NumberMobile Phone NumberMay we text you? By answering yes, you consent to receive notifications from Vermont State University. Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Msg & Data rates may apply. See our Privacy Policy.May we text you? By answering yes, you consent to receive notifications from Vermont State University. Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Msg & Data rates may apply. See our Privacy Policy.YesNoMailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeYour Parents/GuardiansWe would like to reach out to your parent/guardian with information about Vermont State University. We invite you to share your parent's or guardian's contact information below.Parent/Guardian First NameParent/Guardian Last NameParent/Guardian Email AddressI would like to share a second parent/guardian's information.Other Parent/Guardian First NameOther Parent/Guardian Last NameOther Parent/Guardian Email AddressYour educational goalsMy goal is to attend in: *Fall 2024Spring 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Fall 2027Fall 2028Vermont State University will offer programs to further your knowledge. What is your planned next step in your education? *Vermont State University will offer programs to further your knowledge. What is your planned next step in your education? *Undergraduate (pursuing an Associate degree, Bachelor degree, or certificate)Graduate (pursuing a post-Bachelor degree or certificate)I am a prospective:First YearTransferTransfer-InternalReadmitEarly CollegeVASTI would like to study towards a:I would like to study towards a:Bachelor's DegreeAssociate DegreeUndergraduate CertificateMy goal is to study:Architectural Engineering Technology (A.S.)Automotive Technology (A.A.S.)Aviation Maintenance Technology (A.A.S.)Business (A.S.)Civil & Environmental Engineering Technology (A.E.)Communications (A.A.)Communications: Cinema Studies and Production (A.A.)Communications: Journalism, Broadcast Journalism (A.A.)Communications: Journalism, Multimedia Journalism (AA)Communications: New Media (A.A.)Computer Information Systems (A.S.)Construction Management (A.A.S.)Criminal Justice (A.A.)Diesel Power Technology (A.A.S.)Electrical Engineering Technology (A.E.)Fine Arts (A.A.)Fine Woodworking & Furniture Design (A.A.)General Engineering Technology (A.A.S.)General Studies (A.A.)Graphic Design (A.A.)Human Services (A.S.)Information Technology (A.S.)Mathematics (A.S.)Mechanical Engineering Technology (A.E.)Mountain Resort Management (AS)Music Business & Industry (A.S.)Nursing (A.S.)Psychological Science (A.A.)Radiologic Science (A.S.)Respiratory Therapy (A.S.)Restorative Justice (A.S.)Software Engineering (A.S.)Veterinary Technology (A.A.S.)My goal is to study:Animation & Illustration (B.F.A)Anthropology, Archaeology, & Geography (B.S.)Applied Business Degree Completion (B.S.)Applied Psychology & Human Services (B.S.)Architectural Engineering Technology (B.S.)Atmospheric Sciences (B.S.)Atmospheric Sciences: Broadcasting (B.S.)Atmospheric Sciences: Climate Change (B.S.)Atmospheric Sciences: National Weather Service (B.S.)Atmospheric Sciences: Private Industry (B.S.)Biology (B.S.)Biology: Molecular Biology and Biomedicine (B.S.)Business (B.S.)Business: Accounting (B.S.)Business: Entrepreneurship (B.S.)Business: Management (B.S.)Business: Marketing (B.S.)Communications (B.A.)Communications: Cinema Studies and Production (B.A.)Communications: Journalism, Broadcast Journalism (B.A.)Communications: Journalism, Multimedia Journalism (B.A.)Communications: New Media (B.A.)Computer Information Systems (B.S.)Construction Management (B.S.)Creative Writing (B.F.A.)Criminal Justice (B.A.)Criminal Justice (B.S.)Criminal Justice: Criminology (B.A.)Criminal Justice: Restorative Justice (B.A.)Data Science (B.S.)Dental Hygiene (B.S.)Dental Hygiene Online Degree Completion (B.S.)Early Childhood & Special Education (B.A.)Early Childhood Education Online Degree Completion (B.S.)Education, Elementary Education - Inclusive Childhood Education (B.A.)Education, Secondary Education - Inclusive Adolescent Education (B.A.)Electrical Engineering Technology (B.S.)Electromechanical Engineering Technology - Electrical (B.S.)Electromechanical Engineering Technology - Mechanical (B.S.)Environmental Science (B.S.)Environmental Science: Secondary Science (B.S)Exercise Science (B.S.)Exercise Science: Exercise Professional/Strength and Conditioning (B.S.)Exercise Science: Individualized Program of Study (B.S.)Exercise Science: Pre-Professional Athletic Training (B.S.)Exercise Science: Pre-Professional Physical Therapy (B.S.)Fine Arts (B.A.)Fine Arts: Art History (B.A.)Fine Arts: Media Arts (B.A.)Fine Arts: Photography (B.A.)Fine Arts: Studio Art (B.A.)Fine Woodworking & Furniture Design (B.F.A.)Forensic Psychology (B.S.)Graphic Design (B.A.)Health Promotion (B.S.)Health Promotion: Community Health (B.S.)Health Promotion: School Health (B.S.)Health Science (B.S.)Health Science: Health and Wellness Coaching (B.S.)Health Science: Pre-Allied Health (B.S)Health Science: Pre-Athletic Training Accelerated (B.S.)History (B.A.)Holistic Health (B.S.)Information Technology (B.S.)Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.)Literature & Writing (B.A.)Mathematics (B.S.)Mathematics: Secondary Education (B.S)Mechanical Engineering Technology (B.S.)Mechanical Engineering Technology: Manufacturing (B.S.)Mechanical Engineering Technology: Renewable Energy (B.S.)Music (B.A.)Music Business & Industry (B.S.)Music Business & Industry: Audio Production (B.S.)Music Business & Industry: Music and Self-Promotion (B.S.)Music Business & Industry: Music Management (B.S.)Music Education (B.M.)Music: Performance (B.A.)Musical Theater (B.A.)Nursing (B.S.N.)Nursing Online Degree Completion (B.S.N.)Outdoor Education, Leadership and Tourism (B.S.)Outdoor Education, Leadership and Tourism: Adventure Education (B.S.)Outdoor Education, Leadership and Tourism: Mountain Resort Management (B.S.)Outdoor Education, Leadership, & Tourism: Sustainable Tourism & Recreation (B.S.)Physical Education (B.S.)Physical Education: Health and Physical Activity Promotion (B.S.)Physical Education: Teaching Licensure in PreK-12 Physical Education (B.S.)Political Science (B.A.)Professional Pilot Technology (B.S.)Professional Studies (B.A.)Psychological Science (B.A.)Psychological Science (B.S.)Resort and Hospitality Management (B.S.)Restorative Justice (B.S.)Social Work (B.S.W.)Social Work: Criminal Justice Settings (B.S.W.)Social Work: Education Settings (B.S.W.)Social Work: Medical Settings (B.S.W.)Social Work: Substance Abuse & Treatment (B.S.W.)Sociology (B.A.)Sociology: Criminology (B.A.)Sociology: Cultural Anthropology (B.A.)Software Engineering (B.S.)Sport Management (B.S.)Statistics (B.S.)Theater Arts (B.A.)Theater Arts: Acting and Directing (B.A.)Theater Arts: Technical Theater and Design (B.A.)UndeclaredWildlife & Forest Conservation (B.S.)My goal is to study:Paramedicine (C.T.)Practical Nursing (C.T.)I am interested in studying at the following location: CastletonJohnsonLyndonRandolphWillistonKillingtonOnlineCurrent or most recent high school attendedSchool NameCEEB (hidden)Level of Study (hidden)High SchoolUndergraduateGraduateI am a prospective:Graduate StudentMy goal is to study:Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study: Foundations of EducationCertificate of Advanced Graduate Study: School CounselingCertificate of Advanced Graduate Study: Technology for Creative InstructionSpecial Education Endorsement ProgramArt Education (MA)Athletic Leadership (MS)Athletic Training (MAT)Business Administration: Accounting (MBA)Business Administration: Healthcare Administration (MBA)Business Administration: Leading Organizational Change (MBA)Business Administration: Media and Communication (MBA)Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Adults (MS)Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Children, Youth, Families (MS)Counseling - Mental Health Counseling (MA)Counseling - School Counseling (MA)Dance Education (MA)Educational Leadership (MA)Educational Leadership: Principalship (MA)Educational Research (MS)Foundations of Education: Individual Design (MA)Inclusive Childhood Education: Elementary and Special Education (MA)Leadership Studies (MA)Learning, Design, and Technology (MEd)Middle Level English Education (MA)Middle Level Math Education (MA)Middle Level Science Education (MA)Middle Level Social Studies Education (MA)Music Education (MA)Nursing: Clinical Nurse Leader (MSN)Nursing: Nurse Educator (MSN)Secondary English Education (MA)Secondary Math Education (MA)Secondary Science Education (MA)Secondary Social Studies Education (MA)Special Education: Educational Research (MA)Special Education: Initial Licensure (MA)Special Education: Interdisciplinary (MA)Studio Arts (MFA)Theater Arts Education (MA)Art Education Post-baccDance Education Post-baccInclusive Childhood Education: Elementary and Special Education Post-baccMiddle Level English Education Post-baccMiddle Level Math Education Post-baccMiddle Level Science Education Post-baccMiddle Level Social Studies Education Post-baccMusic Education Post-baccSecondary English Education Post-baccSecondary Math Education Post-baccSecondary Science Education Post-baccSecondary Social Studies Education Post-baccSpecial Education Post-baccTheater Arts Education Post-baccCurrent or most recent college attendedSchool NameCEEB (hidden)Degree Obtained *Associate's DegreeBachelor's DegreeDoctorate DegreeMaster's DegreeNoneDates AttendedFromFromJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995ToToJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995UG Level of Study (hidden)High SchoolUndergraduateGraduateGR Level of Study (hidden)High SchoolUndergraduateGraduateVarsity AthleticsAre you interested in playing varsity sports?Are you interested in playing varsity sports?YesNoPlease select the sports you are interested in playing:Alpine Skiing (Men's)Alpine Skiing (Women's)Baseball (Men's)Basketball (Men's)Basketball (Women's)Cross Country (Men's)Cross Country (Women's)Field Hockey (Women's)Football (Men's)Golf (Men's)Golf (Women's)Golf (Women's) - RandolphIce Hockey (Men's)Ice Hockey (Women's)Lacrosse (Men's)Lacrosse (Women's)Rugby (Women's)Soccer (Men's)Soccer (Women's)Softball (Women's)Tennis (Men's)Tennis (Women's)Track & Field (Men's)Track & Field (Women's)Triathlon (Women's)Volleyball (Men's)Volleyball (Women's)Wrestling (Men's)Exciting information about Vermont State University will be coming your way! If you have any immediate questions, please feel free to submit them here. We're happy to help!Submit